What is Aging in Place?
Aging in place is a form of living rapidly growing in popularity and giving people the ability to live in their own home and community safely, independently, and comfortably, regardless of age, income or ability level. Adults have long preferred aging in place, but thanks to innovative technology providing more benefits and becoming more affordable, more and more people are able to successfully age in place.
Due to consistently increasing property values in Canada, along with many adults negative experiences with old age homes, aging in place is becoming a defining solution for Canadians unsure of what their next steps are. Aging in place gives you peace of mind on how you will retire and gives you a secure future so you can focus on what matters. There is a reason almost 90% of seniors desire to age in their own homes, among other reasons aging in place lets you stay in the community you love and live in a comfortable environment that you are accustomed to.
The Benefits of Staying at Home
We understand that you may not want to move or downsize once parts of your family move out. Many people begin planning to age in place well before they need many of the modifications that a universally designed home requires. If planned properly, adults who require increasing support as they get older can comfortably and seamlessly transition to enjoying retirement instead of worrying about upcoming renovations that are growing in urgency.
Your family is getting bigger, not smaller
When a Toronto woman was asked why she and many of her colleagues were not downsizing after retiring, she said "“Downsize? Sounds delightful in theory, but my family is getting bigger, not smaller. Like most baby boomers, my dream is to have grandkids sleepover and play in the backyard, and why give up a basement playroom?”
As you age and your family grows, adapting your already beautiful home is the best way to maintain a close-knit family.
The healthiest way to age
It has been proven that happiest and healthiest way to age is in your own home. Living at home independently is a safe and healthy option for adults as they enter seniority because they can adapt their homes and receive support that is catered to their unique needs. Senior Homes tend to be overcrowded, have people with drastically varying abilities, and with limited staff or space could mean you or your loved ones are not getting all the support needed to continue a healthy, high quality lifestyle in the community you love.
more accessible than ever before
Aging in place is traditionally associated with high cost and complexity, but thanks to advancing technology it is becoming easier and more affordable. Home automation alone has gone from being a luxury feature reserved for the elite to a relatively inexpensive option that provides solutions to a full spectrum of abilities. New innovations coupled with government assistance such as retroactive tax credits make aging in place a realistic option for more Canadians than previously thought possible. With almost 1 in 3 Canadians being baby boomers who are soon to begin enjoying retirement, you are not alone. In fact we are at the forefront of even more emerging technologies that will continue to make you comfortable for less as you age in place.
The Three Stages of Aging in Place
Not all accessibility needs are the same, and depending on how urgent your needs are it is good to start planning now. Additionally, it's important to recognize that an aging in place plan is not for 'old' people, but rather responsible people who want to ensure high quality of life for the foreseeable future.
Aging in place without urgent needs:
Individuals who want to stay in their current home and are not experiencing immediate health and mobility issues but prefer aging in place.
Aging in place with progressive condition based needs:
Individuals with chronic or progressive conditions that require special modifications for aging in place. Individuals are aware if their needs but meeting them is not urgent (chronic conditions such as diabetes and lung/heart disease).
Aging in place with traumatic change needs:
Individuals who experienced an abrupt change that demands adjustments in the living through home modifications and/or universal design.
Planning for the Future, or Right Now?
Planning ahead is always a good idea, but sometimes unexpected events can alter those plans. Whether you need urgent modifications or would simply like to discuss future plans, we are available to assist you.